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Ryanne Smith-Founder, Event Coordinator + Intuitive Tarot Reader

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Brianna Thomas-Assistant Event Coordinator, Intuitive Oracle Reader + Progression Coach

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Keynote Speaker

Brittany Josephina

Emotional Nudist and Creator of the popular, #Brittspiration tag on social media, Brittany is a Life Coach who has become an inspiration to thousands of women. With her consistent declarations for truth + non-negotiation when it comes to our self-care, she has triggered a movement to embrace the power of the divine feminine.

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Arlene Ricketts

Dancer + WiseWoman when it comes to the physical aspects of self-care, Arlene assists women in honoring their bodies. Through means of hygiene, beauty, + movement, she directs us all not to wait in claiming our ideal selves, but to do so, from where we currently stand.

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Chimene Jackson

Owner of Vagabroad Journals, Chimene is a by-hand Creator + Literary Soulpreneur. Curating a community of diarists from all over the world, she is driven to help women courageously claim their voice using the power of written reflection.

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Rachel Smith

(aka- RayChillster)

Writer, Multi-media Artist + Care-free Black Girl, Ray inspires many to express themselves genuinely + wholeheartedly. She consistently creates art with her myriad of hair+make-up styles, exhibiting further proof of how innovative we truly are.

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